I own nothing and I'm... happy?

This post will consist of my coping as to why I’m not a billionaire…

Kidding, let’s see what it turns into.

My Situation

I’m about to leave Costa Rica for October (peak rainy season) to do some adventuring.
Here’s what I own -

  • 2 boardshorts

  • 1 pair of sweats, 1 pair of sweatshorts

  • 1 pair of underwear

  • Yoga Mat

  • 1 pair of jeans

  • Computer

  • 5.5 T-shirts

  • Vans with holes

  • 2 snapped boards

  • A baseball bat, glove, and balls.

  • I just lost my bitcoin - oops 😉

Pretty ridiculous eh? I had a car, but I’m basically counting that as not existing anymore… Pura vida.

I’ve been running around on a borrowed quad for the past month. I’ve been surfing on a borrowed/ abandoned board that seems to be impossible to break, which I’m surfing daily… I also rent boards occasionally as well.

It’s fun, a bit dangerous, and often annoying rolling around like this.

But it feels light. And light kinda feels right…

And so?

I’ve spent some time with two billionaires in my life now…

One once posted “Possessions own you”. The other has an 82 (83?) meter yacht.

There are a lot of ways to move on this planet.

And you gotta remember… If you think you want to trade lives with someone, you’ll have to inherit all the not-so-great parts as well.

Monkeys Playing Games

I freaking love playing sports and games. A supposed ideal day for me would consist of surfing, eating, playing another sport, eating, then destroying someone at Scrabble or playing any other kind of game.

BUT, I’m sure that would get old quickly. What sets us monkeys apart is that we’re meaning-making machines. And unfortunately, playing games all day sounds like a bit of a meaningless existence when there’s a world to save.

Something I love about Costa Rica is the dress code. Boardshorts and a t-shirt. Wait, why are you wearing a T-shirt? No shoes and service EVERYWHERE. If you’re wearing nice clothes your dumb cause they’re guaranteed to get sucio one way or the other…

I get back to CA and I’m like wait… what am I wearing? I do care about appearance, a lot. It’s incredibly important. There’s always this heavy feeling that comes across me when I go back about clothes, shoes, etc. Bleh.

I feel this because we’re all monkeys playing status games. Incredibly complex status games… There’s no way around it, and they’re not stupid.

I care about the game as much as I want to reject it.

Think about that feeling when you meet someone wearing the nicest clothes, driving fancy cars, or that you know has a bazillion followers. That little feeling in your stomach knowing that they’re superior in some way. That feeling serves a purpose in nature, just as it does with humans. It determines status.

Getting to the top of the status hierarchy is a tough. Seems like you can get there through careful manipulation (risky) or by being so close to the truth that your destined for it.

The status game is clearly not fulfilling, but the only way out of the game is to become a monk.

I’ve been doing some quality marination on this Naval quote above. This guy has definitely had a huge impact on my thinking. Hopefully it’s feature, not a bug in my mental software.

I know that I’ll ALWAYS want more. That’s human nature. I’ll be bored if I’m not searching for more.

Entertaining yourself in a way that is healthy and beneficial for others is what we’re all seeking - That right there is how I’d summarize the Japanese concept of Ikigai.

If you’re benefitting others, it’s bound to come back around monetarily.

I’m still chopping away searching for my “Ikigai”. What’s the biggest lever I can pull to make the earth better?

Maybe I’m in the exact spot I need to be in now, and need to keep trusting the process and doing the work.

What I Do Have

  • My health.

  • My family

  • A new family - Coming soon - No we’re not pregnant. Marriage coming soon Sept or Oct 2024

  • Amigos

  • Decent control of my time

  • And much more..

Do Possesions Own You?

Take a look at your life… What is taking your attention? Is it your house, your car, your toys, your clothes, your business?

My brain has a certain capacity. Everything I own takes a little piece of that capacity.

Every notification I get takes away some of of my day’s HP.

I don’t want my days to be bombarded by dings or worrying about my things.

Maybe my brain is running a different code, maybe it has limiting beliefs, maybe I haven’t set up enough systems, or maybe I’m guarding my time until the proper mission presents itself.

Whatever it is, I feel light, and it feels right. (FOR NOW subject to change like all my thoughts)

A New Game

2 things on this earth are scarce - your time & Bitcoin.

Owning as much of these two things as possible seems like a great game to play.

In the old game, you’d have to wear expensive clothes, watches, shoes, have cars, etc. to signal your wealth.

Now, (to me) it just looks like you’re insecure and a poor capital allocator. - This is an extreme take. Nice cars, clothes, and watches still signal to me that you’re wealthy and demand respect.

BUT. Now, you can memorize 12 words in your head that no one can see and be the richest man on the planet.

Things that cannot be bought like: A healthy body, calm mind, and loving family are the ultimate flex.


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