Life on a Billionaire's Yacht

I’ve been on a Billionaires yacht for the past 11 days. 

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  • Think LONG TERM in everything. What does your life look like at 85?

  • People are your business. Know who you are and how other people can compliment your abilities

  • Solve problems 20 years in the future.

  • Failure is learning. You’ll eventually run out of ways to fail!

Let’s explore my thoughts. I’m going to write for at least 10 minutes without stopping. So prepare yourself for typos and possibly strange thoughts. 

3, 2, 1… GO!

We’re here because of TikTok. No, we’re here because somebody decided to contribute to the internet by putting their brain onto the internet. By providing value, whether it’s debatable or not, to the overall conversation. 

I think everybody’s voice should be heard. Subjecting yourself to the thoughts and opinions and others can help carve your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, facts that you think are facts, etc. about how the world works. 

I’m here cause Salad decided to tell the world how he thinks meat should be at the center of the diet and should be celebrated. Can this be achieved by all? That’s another topic. Y’all wanna hear about this billionaire lifestyle anyways, so I’ll get into that in a second. 

But one quick thought, which is kind of a loop that goes into my brain is the short form content that we’re all consuming. Is it just a waste of time? It takes years to study topics and get a true understanding of things. And now we’re just getting quick, bite sized information in videos or headlines or tweets and considering them as fact if it’s from a trusted source. As always, don’t trust - verify. 


Day to day. We hopped on this yacht and wow, what an eye opening experience. 

There’s literally 30 people required to be on this yacht as STAFF. And a maximum of like 15 guests? I don’t even know. It’s freakin awesome, it’s ridiculous, it’s absurd, it’s creating jobs, it’s fun, it’s absurd, it’s fun, it’s living. 

I wake up everyday in a new port or island here in Greece. One of the best moments is opening the curtains in the morning to see where we are. What adventure will we be having?

We get up, usually quite late, and there’s breakfast or whatever you want made for you. Usually it’s an awesome fruit platter, with nice cheeses and meats. You can order whatever you want for breakfast without lifting a finger it’s incredible.

There’s no time spent doing things that I typically don’t like doing. So what does one do?

We talk. We laugh. We scheme. We think. We enjoy time together. We think deeply about how to spend our time here. We play games. Our new favorite game is backgammon. Just learned, quite fun. 

The guy who invited us here is a business wizard. He’s encouraged us to think bigger. To think 200 years in the future with all we do. I’ve learned this before, but it’s been a good reminder to think this way. 

Thinking long term greatly affects your decisions in the present. It helps guide decisions. What is truly important in life. This has to be my biggest takeaway. 

Another takeaway I already knew is that PEOPLE ARE YOUR BUSINESS. After two years of studying Organizational Psychology for my masters degree, this was my main takeaway, and the guy confirmed this on day one. 

We still have a week left on this journey so if there are more cool takeaways, I’ll be sure to transmit them here. 

More about business. Confirming your values guides every business decision as well. Everything revolves around these. Sounds like business 101, but it’s truly necessary so that you can weigh every decision against your values. 

I thanked the guy for showing us his lifestyle, he said “you haven’t seen anything” 

Again I’m inspired to think big with everything. Think about it, the person who is running a restaurant is probably working just as hard if not harder than the person running 100 restaurants etc. 

I’ve thought deeply about how I would spend my time each minute if I was a man with this kind of wealth. He spends and leaves time for his family. He talked about the spiritual experience of having kids and said his biggest regret is not having more, earlier (he has 9 kids). He also said marriage is completely irrational, so stop thinking and just do it. Or something like that. 

It makes me wonder how often the rational brain will get in the way of doing things that you know you want to do, but you’re not sure of exactly how to do it. I look back on my life journey so far and realize that my biggest leap of faith was driving down to Central America without any real plan. I trusted that I’d be okay and have found a completely new life. I wouldn’t be here on this yacht if it wasn’t for that. 

There’s things I know I want in this life, like a family, which sure seems scary, but have somewhat been putting it off. 

So we’ll see what happens. I’ve been writing for 20 minutes now and I’m over it. I’ll get back to whatever else it is that I’ll do today. Pure vida, dream big :) 

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