Paul, what do you actually do?


First of all, my bad for not writing a post for like 8 months. Whoops.

I like being an open book on the internet. It’s freeing to dump your brain where anybody can see it, criticize it, or applaud it.

Also, I actually do read some of my old stuff every now and then. Fun to see which ideas stick, and which come and go.

* I’m always operating on what I think is best based on my current knowledge/wisdom. Things are always subject to change/evolve.

Update - My Bios Changed

Seems interesting.

Quotes that live in my head:

Taleb “For I have a single definition of success: you look in the mirror every evening, and wonder if you disappoint the person you were at 18, right before the age when people start getting corrupted by life. Let him or her be the only judge; not your reputation, not your wealth, not your standing in the community, not the decorations on your lapel. If you do not feel ashamed, you are successful. All other definitions of success are modern constructions; fragile modern constructions.”

Benjamin Franklin - “Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75”

Naval - “You work for others until you can work for yourself. You work for yourself until you can work for others.”

Fun & freedom are my north stars, but I've done enough extended surf trips to realize that I crave responsibility and work.

Life has only improved since I asked Laura to marry me - responsibility. And now, I’ve taken on more work - more esponsibility. So far, it’s brought more fun, purpose, and opportunity.

All roads lead to working. All working isn’t going to be pleasure at all times. You’re retired the day you stop trading today for some imaginary tomorrow.

What does one do when there’s nothing to do? You work.

The Wandering

I took a solid wander after graduating from grad school. Got a masters in org. psych which I would recommend *if you already have some work experience.

The wander was necessary for me to figure out what I actually thought was interesting. My life up until 24 was me “learning” the curriculum that was spoon fed to me.

Everybody’s walk is different in their 20’s. I wouldn’t change much about mine. And perhaps the only advice I would give to people in their 20’s (now that I’m a whopping 30 years old) is to surround yourself with good people. People you aspire to be like. Seek them out and learn.

I had a productive wander. It was filled with books and podcasts. Primarily about bitcoin and health. Two things I’m still passionate about and actually working on today.

Personal brand to Company Man?

My buddy called me a company man the other day which made me laugh.

The internet allows people to get paid for having fun. It’s a beautiful thing. And with enough eyeballs, chances are you’ll be able to sell a thing or two. I’ll probably get some affiliate links going and heck I might start a business one day.

But, I think my 2 new jobs have the potential to move the world greater than I can alone, and that’s why I’m taking my talents there.

I’m not taking these jobs out of fear that I won’t be able to feed my family. I’m taking this work out of fear of what the world will become without them.

Why Nostr : Come for the zaps, stay for the freedom. Who should have the power to censor or press delete on someone’s account? - No one in my strong opinion.

To me, nostr and the early apps built upon it represent social media being built with intention. Yes, it will definitely have many of the same problems mainstream social media has, but I’m curious to see how it evolves and am stoked to play a role in that.

Primal is one of the easiest ways to get using nostr, and could be many people’s gateway into the broader nostr ecosystem.

Why Daylight: Daylight is a computer built with intention. Technology adapting to humanity, not the opposite. You can use this thing outside, in nature. Everything about it was made with the physical and mental health of the user as the priority.

My early testing of this tablet, although i’m not a frequent tablet user, is promising. I can feel it. It enhances my focus on it and my use of social media changes for the better. It truly is “distraction free”.

How did you get these jobs?

They both just happened. Somewhat serendipitously.

If you follow me, you know i’ve been a bit of a bitcoin shill. And have been showing y’all nostr as well for over a year. I went to both nostr conferences so far, and now I’ll make it 3-3. The first was in the backyard in Uvita, and the second was in Tokyo. Meeting people who care about similar things is priceless.

And when I first heard of this computer being built, I was immediately curious. Next thing you know I met the founder and got a demo tablet and instantly started telling everyone about it. And as of a week ago, I’m getting paid to do so.

And I see the irony. In fact, I find it hilarious. (Legacy) Social media is designed to addict and I’m working with a computer company that encourages you to consume less. It’s perfect.

My 18 year old self would approve and it feels like I’m approaching my ikigai.

One other thing to note. It was amazing the amount of opportunity that flowed in right when I made up my mind that I wanted to leave the duties of my former work. I’m wondering if I could’ve saved myself some stress by listening to my intuition earlier…

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