Freedom To (Jan 7, 2022)

My Journey Driving from San Diego to Costa Rica

Without much family approval, I embarked on a life-changing mission. A mission with no return plans and no end date, but the mission was clear; Get as much baseball gear into the hands of the Nicaraguan people (details).

Why? I had an itch to scratch. Ideas annoy me until they are realized. I had stoke to spread and waves to see.

The trip was amazing. I scored waves and tacos. Somehow my 1985 truck was perfect. My one regret? Not taking notes every day of what I did. Ooops. I swear, next time.

I made so many great new friends in El Salvador and caught up with friends in Mexico. I love people. Locals were super-duper friendly in every country (Minus maybe a couple of police trying to make their bread). And I know we changed a few lives in the form of baseball gear in Nicaragua.

Some of the gear. Kids were Stoked.

Voila, mission complete. Now that the mission is over, the “Now what?” question has reappeared.

I love a good mission. They give me something to do. They give me mountains worthy of climbing.

I’ve had a few missions before. The first 24 years of my life were devoted to school and baseball. Since then, it’s been a combination of contract work and self-imposed mental or physical challenges/experiments

A mission provides me with a North star. Something to constantly chase.

Current Thought Loop

Welcome, you’re in Paul’s brain now. Notice, it’s slightly shifty and conditions change often. ’Tis a brain of a Type 7.

You see, Paul’s a dope addict. Dopamine that is. He constantly needs hits of approval and validation. His biggest fear is boredom and he’s an experience seeker.

The guy has never even had a routine. Ever! He sees many people complaining about the life they are living. He swears to never become one of those people.

But Paul experiences feelings of emptiness sometimes. That all of his efforts are for naught. Quotes like, “Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how’.” What is Paul’s “Why” at this very moment?

This specific brain has a big section full of desires. These desires are overflowing, but just across the road is a quote trapped in amber that reads, “Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want”. The last thing Paul wants to be is unhappy or bored so here lies the conflict within his brain.

Beee dooop bop. Okay, you’re out of my brain.

The Paradox of Choice

Raising Canes and In-N-Out are my favorite fast food joints. Their menu is simple and I know what I want/what I’m getting every time and it’s gonna be fire. There is no FOMO. Perhaps the same is true for many people with whom I crossed paths on my journey south. They eat rice and beans, and maybe some fruit. They don’t have tomahawk steak FOMO.

Post-college, I’ve optimized my life for freedom from responsibility. I haven’t taken on any debts, relationships, jobs, or businesses that require me to do certain things at certain times. Sure, the freedom has led me to meet amazing people and enjoy incredible experiences. But many times I just find myself wandering and wondering what life on the other side may look like. FOMO.

“Instead of increasing our freedom to have what we want, the paradox of choice suggests that having too many choices actually limits our freedom”. For me, this rings true in the dating market, job market, and what to do this afternoon market. (read more)

The Unlimited Budget

Writing out exactly how I’d spend my days with an unlimited budget is eye-opening. Ever try it?

Upon thinking deeply, I always wind up with not much to do. Sure there are a few experiences I’d get out of the way, but all of that is just so temporary.

The art of doing nothing is one of the most difficult arts to master in the human experience. Crazy. Internal bliss is not easy to achieve.

I just met a hero of mine with this unlimited budget and I’ve been super inspired since. My ideal day would start with surfing, then I’d make myself useful, and end with friends and family. That’s what he’s up to. Simple. Vamos.

So.. Now What?

Ahah. Great question. The great part about my constant running around is that I’m increasing my surface area of luck ← cool articles. I’m meeting a ton of people with similar interests in the entertainment, Bitcoin, surfing, and health/fitness worlds.

Check out Sloww. Twitter- Slowwco Great follow.

Perhaps all the luck will make another baby soon. I do my best to be sure I’m ready for action when the opportunity arises. I just read Ikigai- The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life inspired by my buddy Andrew’s foot tattoo. Great read I’d recommend it and I’m searching for it.

I write and I share to get out of my thought loops. It’s freeing. And sometimes I think it’s kinda funny that I gotta sit here and philosophize myself into thinking what I’m doing is “good” or “right”.

Who makes those rules anyways..

Cioao! If you come to Costa Rica, please bring me an airpod case.


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