Luck Made a Baby

“Perhaps all the luck will make another baby soon” — Last Article

You ever wonder if you hit rock bottom? The answer has to be no if you’re still wondering right?

Definitely found rocks on this bottom…

I was pretty damn broke after my drive to Costa Rica. I was making maybe $200 dollars a month, maxed my credit card, surviving off eggs and rice, and living out of a tent. 

Fine, I wasn’t completely broke if you count my bit of orange internet money, but I dared not touch my stash/(physically couldn’t be design) to survive… Perhaps it was this stash that gave me the courage to dive into the unknown, adventure, and create a better life. Bitcoin gives me hope for a better future plus nobody can take it away from me. ← I’ll revisit these thoughts in another article. 

Dollar bills were scarce, BUT I had time. Time to “work on myself” and truly ponder what I wanted to do with the time I have left on the planet. 

3 questions 

I pondered these 3 questions as I was being the ultimate surf bum. 

  1. “How would I spend each hour of the day if money was not a question?”

  2. “What can I not stand not doing?”

  3. “What’s the most important thing you can be doing right now?”


Luck made a baby. 

I used to despise the word “manifest”. I spent a lot of time around woo-woo people talking about manifesting shit. But, now I get it. If you know what you want, you can say no to everything that doesn’t help you get there and yes to pieces of the puzzle that will get you closer to the vision. 

Gather enough pieces and the puzzle is complete. A new puzzle is sure to present itself. Perhaps a higher calling or vision. 

What I’m Up To

I answered those questions above and opportunities (evenutally) presented themselves. 

Turns out, there’s really not much I truly want. Surfing every day is a number one priority. I simply can’t stand not surfing. Besides that, I want to spend my days around cool people and people I love, eat an optimal diet, and make myself useful. 

It took some serious balls to hold out until worthwhile opportunities came about. Hindsight never seems too bad, but I was stressed. 

I was fortunate enough to meet a few people that I’ve looked up to for years when I got to the jungle. Santa Teresa is built on supposedly built on quartz and the hippies say it’s magic. I might buy it. I’m now working with Dr. Saladino aka “Salad” hopefulling pulling people out of the matrix one by one. 

I have a girlfriend for the first time in 8 years. That’s an incredible new challenge/adventure. 

So Now What?

My needs are being met, woah. I’ve achieved some comfort, consistency, and direction. Something my adult life has been lacking.

My five chimps down here are incredible and ispiring.

This is exactly what I wanted, but of course… I want MORE. So I’m dreaming big. I refuse to settle, I refuse to be bored, and I vow to be grateful. 

It’s coming up on a year since I’ve been down here. I’m looking forward to seeing even more benefits from sticking around in one place compound.

Pura vida

paul keating2 Comments