Flow, flow, flow. Find your flow. How do you flow? How do I flow? I don’t know. But I do know it’s all about flow, bro.
What is enlightenment? Once again, I don’t know, bro (yet). The great teachers in life seem to have locked into a mysterious something that avoids me and most of the common folk. Perhaps because the common fold are always thinking. I know this so called ‘enlightenment’ exists when one is completely in the present, the now. Now if one is always in the now, does that mean they are always flowing bro? Hmmm. That’s a state I want to be.
I know that when I flow, I’m not thinking about anything whatsoever. These moments for me can come when I have a deeeep sweat going or perhaps when I am in a deeeep laugh. The past and the future simply matter not. But… the grand question is… How do I flow when I’m doing my taxes (I still need to do mine from last year, crap), or when I’m doing chores I simply cant stand to do? Not sure yet. Check back in a few years and I’ll probably have some sort of an answer that I can’t really put language to.
It is strange how our thoughts are confined to language. Or at least I think mine are.. But that makes me wonder how much other ‘stuff’ is going on out there in the cosmos or ether or whatever that I (we) can’t really grasp since we don’t have language for it. I need to study some physics.
Hmm look at that last sentence. I don’t really need to study some physics. I kinda want to. But if I really wanted to, I’d go figure it out due to our vast amount of knowledge throughout our interwebs. However, it is nice to have a master or teacher or professor there with you to bounce questions off of. Perhaps my want will become stronger that I actually put forward some effort towards learning more about physics. Perhaps this want will increase as my finances increase. Now to figure out how to increase those finances. Money, money, money. Money does buy freedom. What to do with that freedom will test the character of the man. OOOO how difficult is it for the rich man to live like a poor man, but wow that would be powerful. Hm.
Okay signing off.. Cheeya!